About Us

Redeemed provides ministry to women through counseling and prayer. Cheri's heart is to help women who are hurting, lost and broken. She wants to see them redeemed. Cheri grew up feeling unwanted, lost, lonely and angry because she had been abused in many ways by several different men before she was 23. She didn’t understand love and kindness until she gave her life to God. Through Gods love, she found a truly nice man who has been her husband for 19 years. Doug and Cheri have two beautiful children; a boy and a girl. God uses their past to help heal and restore those hurting today.





Cheri Lane and her husband Doug started attending Faith Tabernacle (Now Refuge City Church) on Mother’s Day 2003 and it quickly became their Church Home and Family. Over the years, they have been a part of several ministries. They have helped in the Children’s and Youth Departments as well as worship ministry.