Service times:
Sundays at 9am, 11:15am & Wednesdays at 7pm
2610 Shasta Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603
About Us
Refuge City Church is the main campus of the Refuge Church organization, and the location of the ministry and business office. Known as Faith Tabernacle Assembly of God for many decades, the name was changed to “Refuge City Church” in 2018 by a unanimous vote of our partnership. We are a close-knit family comprised of a multi-generational, multi-ethnic people, understanding we’re in need of the grace of Jesus because of our sin, but redeemed because of His salvation, and we’re excited to serve God from Biblical principles as a beacon of hope for our city and region.
No matter where you’ve come from, we want to call you family, too! We are a church that desires to be “a refuge, embracing people” in the Klamath Basin and around the world with the love and hope that comes through Jesus Christ! We are an Assemblies of God affiliated church and our beliefs line up with the 16 Fundamental Truths. We value love above all doctrine and do our best to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.
Our vision is to be a Body of Believers that extend unconditional love to the hurting and broken hearted. To see the captive set free. To be a refuge of grace for God’s glory and healing to be manifested. To reach people nobody wants so they can become people everybody wants. To reconcile the heart of mankind to the love and grace of their Heavenly Father through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Have nothing to do for Spring Break? Well, not anymore. Get ready for an awesome day of fun in Medford, Oregon. We will be taking a trip over the hill to visit the Family Fun Center and Rogue Valley Mall. We will spend several hours at the Family Fun Center at the arcade and any of the outdoor activities that are available. We will then head to the Mall for lunch and will have a few hours to go shopping and hang out. Please bring your own spending money, you'll need about $12 for lunch and any extra for activities at the Family Fun Center and going shopping at the Mall.
Come join us for an awesome day in the great outdoors! We will be traveling to Crater Lake to go sledding and inner-tubing at the meadow near the Crater Lake Lodge. Bring a sack lunch and all the sleds or inner-tubes you’ve got and let’s have a blast hanging out together in the snow.
Please bring appropriate snow gear, there will be about 10 feet of snow up on the mountain. Also, please bring SUNSCREEN, as the reflection off the snow is a killer. ATTENTION: sleds are not provided. Please bring your own or borrow one.
We would love to invite all of our married or engaged couples to join us for this year’s Marriage Conference! This conference is for every couple whether you just want to enjoy a fun weekend deepening your relationship or if your marriage has been going through a hard time and you need help to pick up the pieces. Every couple is invited and we would love for you to invite some of your married friends to join us as well.
Childcare will be provided. Light snacks will be laid out on Saturday, but plan on buying your own meals during the conference.
If you also want to book a hotel room, we have special pricing with the hotel next to our Anthem House event location, so we will reserve that room for you if you register for that as well.
Enjoy an evening of creativity and connection at our event "Crafts and Croissants"! It'll be the perfect opportunity to relax, create and connect with our sisters in Christ. We'll be sharing in good fellowship and indulging in delicious croissants and cocoa. Join us for an evening of laughter and inspiration!
We would like to invite all men to join us for Mens Breakfast on April 12th at 8am. This is going to be an amazing time of food, fun and fellowship! This is the last men breakfast before the fall, so you will not want to miss it!
Baptism is your public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ and it's your obedience to the words of Jesus when he commanded us to be baptized! It's a powerful memorial stone in your life and it's a moment with the entire family rejoices in your commitment to Jesus. Now is the time! No need to wait!
Start you Resurrection Day Celebrations by having a night of worship. What a gift that Jesus gave His life for us. You won't want to miss this night of worship on Good Friday!
Special message entitled "Where Are They?" Let's celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus on this very special day. We wouldn't have the grace and forgiveness of Jesus had it not been for that fateful day. Had we been present then, where would we be found?
Welcome to the Refuge City Church Spring Women's Conference! We look forward to sharing in a time of worship, pampering, eating, fellowship and the Word of God. Cost is $15.00 per person. A light continental breakfast and lunch is included in that cost. Please register and pay on line or with Pastor Cheri.
We would love to invite all men over the age of 18 to join us for this years Outdoor Men's Retreat! We are heading into the woods near Prospect at Union Rogue Baptist Camp for an amazing weekend of worship, fellowship, fun and a time to encounter Jesus like never before! We are so excited to join with all of our Refuge Campuses as well as Thrive Church, Phoenix Assembly of God, Journey Church, and any other church that would like to join us. We want to see God move in all of the men in our state and we cannot wait to see what God is going to do!
Mark your calendars for our annual Church-wide Mission Trip! We're going to Paisley to serve our Paisley Campus and the beautiful surrounding area with the love of Jesus. We'll beautify and tend to our facilities and do outreaches to the community. We'll also host a VBS. If you have a specific skill like construction or landscaping, please let us know! Cost is $75.00 per person and includes food and camp site. You can bring an RV or a tent. More information to come! Sign up today!
Klamath Kids Camp is an amazing experience for each child that comes. It is for kids ages 8 to 12. Register online by July 31st with a deposit fee of $50.00 and pay the balance by camp.
Please join us for a wonderful time with the Lord at our annual Fall Women's event. We will be staying at a beautiful home in the Sunriver Resort area. Space is limited, so be sure to register and pay to hold your spot.
The cost is $125 per person.
Please plan to leave town Thursday, October 9, 2025 after 4 pm to drive up to the location. We will be returning on Saturday, October 11, 2025.
You will need to drive yourselves. Carpooling and sharing the trip is always a fun time, so plan to travel together with your friends because parking is limited.
The rental house we will be staying in is stocked with all of the amenities needed for our stay. You are welcome to bring your favorite pillow or blanket if you would like to.
All the food is provided but you are welcome to bring your favorite snacks and drinks if you would like to. If you have any food allergies or needs, please feel free to bring your own.
We are looking forward to this sweet time together.
Please contact Pastor Cheri if you have any questions.
We are so excited to have you join us for our annual Christmas Market here at Refuge City Church.
We look forward to seeing all of you there!!
If you would like to be a vendor:
Christmas Market Registration for Vendors opens September 1, 2025 at 8:00 am at Limited spots available and are first come, first served. Event set-up is Thursday, November 13, 3 to 7. Event hours are Friday, November 14, 12 to 7, and Saturday, November 15, 10 to 5. Please go to our website for more information or call Pastor Cheri Lane at the church at 541-882-1668.
Vendor Contracts will need to be signed when you register and pay. The instructions and requirements will also be provided for you at the time of registration. Please follow instructions provided.
10x10 Booth in the Gym of the Church -- $45.00 each
VENDORS ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO PURCHASE ONE SPACE. If you want to be next to a family member or friend during the market, that is acceptable, but you must have walls separating your spaces. NO double booths.
Thank you so much for always supporting this market and all the wonderful people!

Beginning ministry here in Klamath Falls 20 years ago doesn’t even seem possible for Charlene and I! God has so blessed this incredible church family far beyond anything imaginable. We have seen a truly sovereign move of God over these last few years as His glorious presence has filled our midst. We know that God’s greatest days for the Church are ahead of us, not behind us! That is why God has called us to move beyond the walls of the church more aggressively than ever before. There are days ahead that can not compare to the former. We can’t wait to see them through with this amazing church body!
'The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the LORD of hosts. Haggai 2:9 -Pastor Jim and Charlene Boyd

Since 2005, Jim has been the Pastor of Worship at Refuge City Church. He's been leading worship in many churches and venues since 1997 when he began leading worship in youth group at age fifteen. He has a deep desire to see the Bride of Christ come to the altar in pure worship according to John 4 and walk in purity and holiness according to Ephesians 5. He is passionate about freedom in worship and desires the fullness of the Holy Spirit without fleshly interference during times of corporate worship. He is also used in staff, church, and financial administration. Jim and his wife, Jaime, have three children: Lynnae, Joshua, and Grace.