Family communion is a powerful activation God has given for breakthroughs and breaking down the walls that separate us. (Isaiah 66:2)  OurHeavenly Father pronounces a blessing on each family when they learn to walk in unity, harmony and love one for another. (Psalm 133) 

  • When we humbly ask forgiveness for anything we have committed against our family, it releases the grace of God upon us, but also releases our children from the poisonous toxins of bitterness. (Hebrews 12:15-17)

     “Have I done anything recently that has offended you, wounded you, or hurt you?” Many times we may be oblivious to our sins of omission which our families pick up on very quickly. When we ask this question, we are really doing reconnaissance work to discover what the enemy is up to in the heart of our home. This is not a time to blame, complain, or explain. This is a time to understand and clarify what is going on with our children so we can become a vessel of God to once again open their hearts to receiving God’s grace and power. 

  • O God,

    bless our family 

    and all its members and friends;

    bind us together by your love.

    Give us kindness and patience

    to support each other;

    and wisdom in all we do.

    Let the gift of your peace

    come into our hearts

    and remain with us.

    May we rejoice in your blessings

    for all our days.


  • 1. Description text goes here1.  Pray for each other’s needs!

    2.  Ask for your relationship with Jesus to be renewed in your home and relationships.

    3.  Ask your children to pray over you.

    4.  Don’t rush through it or allow the enemy to make it awkward.

    5.  Read a portion of scripture and ask questions to its meaning and understanding.

    6.  Pray for peace, love, laughter, hope and joy in your home.

    7.  Cast out any spirit or item that does not bring glory to God in your house.

    8.  Say something about each other that you appreciate and are thankful for!